Saturday, October 8, 2011

Second post

So now we have access to internet, but it's only til 6pm every day (meaning once we start working, maybe 30min access), and that combined with me having to ask someone to borrow their computer every time (b/c the staff are spending their time fixing issues other than having a computer available for anyone in the office) leads to me not going online much. That said, it hasn't been a big issue, just feel a little out of the loop and missed one loan payment.

The internet is one example of how funds are distributed here, and what it comes down to is AmeriCorps being at the bottom of the totem poll. It is true that individual staff members get really excited about the help their volunteers give them every year in the classroom, and several people have greeted us very warmly. It is also true that we can have no hot water or broken lights for up to two weeks (previous situations we've only so far experienced for a few days). The money isn't going to our needs, it goes to the residents in the treatment facility whose needs, for example, are to be checked on every 15 minutes at night to make sure they haven't a) escaped b) harmed themselves or their roommates. I've also experienced once or twice anti-AmeriCorps sentiment in the cafeteria from the staff. It is typical for someone to get upset in the cafeteria and once the food fighting and screaming subsided, a staff member said to our table, "just relax, y'all got to do shit around here." There is a chance he meant that we needent worry about trying to do something in the moment, but my hunch tells me that that was meant unfriendly.

Just because I've picked up on some negative energy and don't think things are perfect here, that rules can sometimes be burdensome or get in the way of fully connecting to someone/an experience, does not mean that I feel a cloud over this place or next year. In fact, I'm actually very excited to be here. I'm scared as heck, I know I'm going to be broken and remade a lot, but there is so much opportunity here, for me and the kids alike. So many cool people and resources, so much to learn, so much to grow from. Sounds funny but in a way, I can't wait to feel upset, sad, and crazy (and obviously happy and well-off).

My time on this computer has ended, but tonight I'll be going to an AmeriCorps potluck, possibly Atlanta tonight, and tomorrow to the Pride Parade in Atlanta. Looking forward to it all :)

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